cubieboard2 IR Reading

Cubieboard IR Reading

IR had beed add into the kernel .If not, use command to load the moudle:
$insmnod /lib/modules/3.4.X/kernel/drivers/input/keyboard/sun4i-ir.ko
$sudo cat /dev/input/event0 | hexdump

Press the key of IR remote control,the terminal will print the message as:
0000000 8415 525f 50cf 0003 0001 0094 0001 0000  
0000010 8415 525f 50db 0003 0000 0000 0000 0000 
0000020 8415 525f 22f7 0007 0001 0094 0000 0000  
0000030 8415 525f 22ff 0007 0000 0000 0000 0000 

The digital '0094' is  keycode of the remote control  .

